Welcome to The What's Up Radio Program!
with Terry Lowry
Tune in Weekdays at these air times.
Current Show (January 22, 2025):
Why does God allow evil?
Is Evil a stumbling block for many who do not believe in God?
Why did God give humans free will?
Can we overcome the temptation to sin?
Plus: the dangers of the transgender movement?
The negative consequences of not doing sex and marriage God’s way.
Mark Lanier, with Biblical Literacy, continues teaching about Zipporah.
From the pulpit of Champion Forest and Paster Stephens: Does Prayer Really Change Things?
Discussed by Terry Lowry
with Host of the What's UP Radio Program
Host Terry Lowry interviews influential and knowledgeable guests on relevant topics for today.
Discussed by Pastor Ed Ethridge – Retired
with Truth for You Ministries (www.truthforyou.net/)
There is pure evil in this world. Satan can and will do everything in his power to destroy us, tempting us at every turn.
Today, Pastor Ed Ethridge explains why God has allowed suffering to be in our lives and why, as born-again believers, we are to flee from evil and live in a manner that glorifies God and His Kingdom.
Click here to read the article that inspired this interview with Pastor Ed.
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Is the presence of evil a stumbling block to believing in God?
If there was a world without evil, without sin, would humans still be in it?
Humans are born with a sin nature. So, why did God make humans with free will?
Is the devil in control of this world? Pastor Ed quotes a friend
of his, David Allen, former Dean of Theology at Southwestern Seminary: “The
devil is God’s devil, but he’s on a long leash.”
Is all sin equal in its ultimate consequence?
Can we overcome the temptation to sin?
How are we to live as born-again believers? Are we permitted to live however we want, without expecting consequences?
Pastor Ed reminds us that praying the sinners’ prayer may save us, but it doesn’t change us; it’s a process and we must constantly be learning and growing in Christ. (1 Peter 1:16; Colossians 1:27; 1 Peter 5:8)
If you have questions about God, Jesus, or salvation, please feel free to
contact Pastor Ed here.
Discussed by Garry Ingraham
with Love and Truth Network (www.loveandtruthnetwork.com/)
Part 1 of 2
Homosexuality and transgender identification are exploding in our society, especially among the younger generation.
Today, Garry Ingraham discusses why the push to normalize homosexuality and transgender identification is so dangerous. Garry is a former member of the LGBTQ community who came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and now uses his ministry,
Love and Truth Network, to help others who are struggling with a LGBTQ lifestyle.
Click here to learn more about Garry Ingraham and his wife, Melissa.
Click here to order a copy of their book, “Am I Gay?”
Questions/Issues Discussed:
When we don’t do sex and marriage God’s way, are the negative consequences immense?
Do men or boys belong in female sports? Garry Ingraham explains his position on this issue.
Homosexuality and transgender identification are not within God’s design. Who is to blame? Who can/should bring the Truth to light?
Discussed by Garry Ingraham
with Love and Truth Network (www.loveandtruthnetwork.com/)
Questions/Issues Discussed:
Are mental health issues deeply affecting our children?
Must the church become more aware of the dangers lurking within their walls?
Why did Garry Ingraham leave the homosexual lifestyle? Garry shares a
little bit of his testimony.
What should parents do if they have a gay/transgender child? Are there right and
wrong reactions and words to use? Click
here for a list of FREE
resources from Love and Truth Network.
Are more and more people leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle?
Click here to help support the Love and Truth Network.
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (www.Biblical-Literacy.com)
Day 3
Mark Lanier continues in the lesson series “Lesser-Known Women of the Bible” with a look at Zipporah and Moses.
To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click
If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email
Mark reads from the focused Scripture passage in Exodus 4:18-26, explaining the various word groups in the passage.
When and why did Moses leaved Egypt? Was he all alone, feeling powerless and defeated? Was he a “wanted man”?
When and why did his life turn for the better? Where was he living at this time?
For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click
Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (www.ChampionForest.org)
Day 3
The new year is the perfect time to hit reset and refocus on what matters most. In this series, Pastor Jarrett Stephens and others will tackle six must-answer questions about faith, salvation, prayer, and purpose that every Christian needs to consider.
This week, Pastor Jarrett preaches on the importance of a constant and faithful prayer life.
Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon
Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon notes
If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at questions@cfbc.org
What is prayer? Can prayer help us accomplish the work of God? (1 Corinthians
3:9a; 2 Corinthians 6:1; Romans 8:17; Jeremiah 33:3; Ephesians 6:18)
Charles Spurgeon said: “Prayer moves the hand that moves the world.”
Book Reference: “Let
the Nations be Glad” by John Piper
What is prayer? Can prayer help us express faith, trust, and dependence upon God?
What is prayer NOT? Pastor Jarrett reminds us that we are not praying to Santa Claus or a genie in a bottle. We are praying to the God of the Universe!
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.
For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click
Discussed by Terry Lowry
with Host of the What's UP Radio Program
Scripture Reference: Exodus 15:11 (ESV)
Most Merciful Heavenly Father,
Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
Who are we to be worthy of your attention? You watch over your creation with love and patience.
Be with our leaders, from the White House to the Court House to our houses of worship. Guide each leader with your Holy Spirit.
Meet them in their prayer closets. Give them visions in their dreams. Speak to them in your still, small voice in and through your Word.
May each seek your will.
Be in our homes around our supper tables. When we stop to say grace, be present in our hearts.
Be not far from your saints. Hear our pleas. Dry our tears. Guide and provide for us in your perfect will.
May your saints shout: “Holy, Holy, Holy, are you, Lord. There is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.”
Now, let’s be going and doing and working for the Kingdom.
And, Lord, if you grant us tomorrow, let’s repeat.
Praying in and through the name of Jesus,