Welcome to The What's Up Radio Program!

with Terry Lowry

Tune in Weekdays at these air times.


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Early Voting Locations are also found by clicking on “Voting Information”. It’s so easy to vote early. You pick the day, time and location.

It is LEGAL in Texas to take a “Sample Ballot” into the voting booth! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

For the 2024 General LINK Letter regarding the upcoming Election, simply click on "LINK Letter"

Don’t let this election pass by without your vote! If we don’t vote, “they” will! And don’t forget to take someone with you when you vote.

Current Show (October 21, 2024):


Do you feel safe stopping for gas at night?

My wife prefers that I gas up her car…she says she does not feel safe.

Mike Knox discussing rising crime rates across our area.

Mike Knox explains how criminal gangs are affecting prisoner safety in our county jails,

Incarcerated prisoners are dying of drug overdoses, from drugs they obtain while in jail.

The Houston Chronicle, a bastion of liberalism, has reported many deaths within the County jail system.

Enough is enough. It’s time for a change: Mike Knox for Sherriff.

Mark Lanier on Jesus Christ.

Pastor Stephens on lines in the sand.

Discussed by Terry Lowry
with Host of the What's UP Radio Program

Host Terry Lowry interviews influential and knowledgeable guests on relevant topics for today.

Discussed by Mike Knox
with Mike Knox for Sheriff (MikeKnox.org)

Part 1 of 3

Do people have a reason to feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods?

Mike Knox discusses the reasons behind the rise in crime in Harris County and what he will do to make the county safer if elected as the next Sherrif.

Click here to help support Mike’s campaign.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Harris County keep a record of citizenship status for those arrested? NOTE: THIS ANSWER WILL SHOCK YOU!!

What happens to a person if they are arrested and it is determined that they are in America illegally?

Why does the Harris County Sherrif office need an overhaul in leadership? Mike discusses the horrific death rate in the county jail from lack of medical care and drug overdoses.

Has the current Harris County Sherrif, Ed Gonzalez, made our streets less safe?

Discussed by Mike Knox
with Mike Knox for Sheriff (MikeKnox.org)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How are criminal gangs affecting the Harris County Jail? Mike Knox continues to discuss the power criminal gangs have INSIDE the jail, not to mention the increase in crime they have caused on the streets in our neighborhoods.

Are changes needed across all levels of leadership in Harris County?

Has the Houston Chronicle, a bastion of liberalism, reported on the outrageous increase in crime in Harris County?

Discussed by Mike Knox
with Mike Knox for Sheriff (MikeKnox.org)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Mike Knox closes the interview discussing the gang violence prevention program he developed and his time spent on the Houston City Council. He also describes his goals if elected as the next Harris County Sheriff and what his main priorities are to make Harris County safer for all.

Discussed by Terry Lowry
with Host of the What's UP Radio Program

What are the most productive years of a persons’ life?
It’s probably not what you think! Listen as Terry Lowry, host of the What’s UP Radio Program, offers inspiration and encouragement.

SOURCE: N.Engl.J .Med. 70,389 (2018)

Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (www.Biblical-Literacy.com)

Day 1

This week, we are airing a special lesson from Mark Lanier on the explanation of who Jesus Christ is. He will discuss three things: the Pre-existent Christ, Jesus Christ as Fully God, and Participatory Language.

*Please Note: This lesson is unavailable in video form.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email wantmore@biblical-literacy.org


Why is there often a dove above a picture of Jesus? What does the dove represent?

What does theology mean? What is the theology of Jesus Christ?

What did Jesus say about himself – about who he is? (Revelation 22:13)
What does Alpha and Omega mean?
What is “theophany”? (Genesis 16:7-16)
Did God really appear in human form?
What Scripture Passage best explains the pre-existent Christ? (John 1)

Book Reference: “The New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes” by FF Bruce

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

Discussed by Pastor Jarrett Stephens
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (www.ChampionForest.org)

Day 1

This week, Pastor Jarrett Stephens preaches a hard-hitting sermon about the importance of living a Biblical Worldview in a less than godly world. Although this is a stand-alone sermon, it is basically the FINAL finale for the Daniel series he completed a few weeks ago.

Find Pastor Jarrett Stephens’ sermon here.


Pastor Jarrett begins the sermon giving a preview of his coming Fall Sermon Series and a bit of a history lesson about the Texas Revolution and the “Victory or Death Letter” that is on display at the Alamo.

He then preaches about the “lines in the sand” that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were forced to make in order to take a stand for God.

Scripture References: Daniel 1:8; Daniel 3:15-18; Daniel 6:10

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click

Discussed by Terry Lowry
with Host of the What's UP Radio Program

2 Corinthians 13:14 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

O Mighty Father, creator and sustainer of all,

We come to you now lifting our praise and thanksgiving to you.

Continue to hold each of us in the palm of your hand.

Dry our tears and calm our fears.

Send the Helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide and teach us all things.

May we walk between the guardrails you have established, being careful to obey your statutes.

Father, pour your love into our hearts.

Fill your saints to overflowing, enabling us to share the miracle of salvation in which we walk.

Thank you, Father, for hearing our humble prayer.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.



  • Links

  • 2024 Candidates

    Click on the photo to visit their website: John Devine
    John Devine
    Supreme Court Justice Place 4
    David Schenck Gina Parker
    David Schenck Gina Parker
    Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7
    Lee Finley Paul Bettencourt
    Lee Finley Paul Bettencourt
    Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8 Texas State Senator, District 7
    Mayes Middleton Charles Cunningham
    Mayes Middleton Charles Cunningham
    Texas State Senator, District 11 Texas House of Representatives, District 127
    Briscoe Cain Tom Oliverson
    Briscoe Cain Tom Oliverson
    Texas House of Representatives, District 128 Texas House of Representatives, District 130
    Mano DeAyala Lacey Hull
    Mano DeAyala Lacey Hull
    Texas House of Representatives, District 133 Texas House of Representatives, District 138
    Valoree Swanson Jennifer Caughey
    Valoree Swanson Jennifer Caughey
    Texas House of Representatives, District 150 Judge, 1st District Court of Appeals, Place 2
    Andrew Johnson Clint Morgan
    Andrew Johnson Clint Morgan
    Judge, 1st District Court of Appeals, Place 6 Judge, 1st District Court of Appeals, Place 7
    Kristin Guiney Susanna Dokupil
    Kristin Guiney Susanna Dokupil
    Judge, 1st District Court of Appeals, Place 8 Judge, 1st District Court of Appeals, Place 9
    Chad Bridges Tonya McLaughlin
    Chad Bridges Tonya McLaughlin
    Judge, 14th District Court of Appeals, Place 3 Judge, 14th District Court of Appeals, Place 4
    Maritza M. Antu Katy Boatman
    Maritza M. Antu Katy Boatman
    Judge, 14th District Court of Appeals, Place 5 Judge, 14th District Court of Appeals, Place 6
    Brad Hart Michael Landrum
    Brad Hart Michael Landrum
    Judge, 14th District Court of Appeals, Place 8 Judge, Texas 133rd Civil District Court
    Bruce Bain Mike Knox
    Bruce Bain Mike Knox
    Judge, Texas 165th District Court Harris County Sheriff
    Tom Ramsey Mark Herman
    Tom Ramsey Mark Herman
    Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3 Harris County Constable Precinct 4
  • The What's UP Radio Program
    10924 Grant Road, #133
    Houston, Texas 77070